Cold Weather and Comfort

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Stay Warm and Comfortable During a Cold Snap

When it is bitterly cold and the wind is howling, comfort is a challenge. One solution is to be a snowbird and flee the nasty weather. For most people, that is not a practical option for more than a few weeks per year. A home heating system is a more realistic alternative.

Over the last few hundred years, mankind has made amazing advances in making homes comfortable, safe, and somewhat impervious to the elements. All this is a compromise, though, that most people don’t often think about. Obviously, homeowners pay for fuel to keep their homes warm, and they recognize the direct tradeoff in money for fuel, which corresponds with a warm home.

The compromise they make is not usually something they control directly, except in very rare cases. In the excitement and complexity of buying a new home, the hidden complexities of the mechanical and environmental systems are often an afterthought and most builders and realtors recognize this.

radiator window

This is not a jab at those professions; it is just a reality of modern life. People have done such a good job of making homes “adequate” in these areas, that true comfort has been put on the back burner. In average weather, most systems are adequate, but many do not exceed those criteria. In severe weather they tend to set up a scenario for discomfort that homeowners just put up with… but they don’t have to!

The technology is available (and affordable) to make homes work a lot better than they were originally built to. It is almost as if the whole world is driving a midsize four-door family car when the 4-wheel drive, sports cars, and luxury vehicles are ignored.

Most people spend a lot of time in their homes. Upgrades in basic systems can create huge gains in comfort and may even offer significant energy savings and health benefits. Improved distribution systems and indoor air quality enhancements, including humidification and air cleaning, can make a house healthier and more comfortable. Why settle for less than ideal indoor comfort?

Go Green Express Home Services provide residential and commercial heating services to Orange, Dutchess, Ulster and Putnam County, New York.